Man Western Wall


Join us in Israel: A Nation Like No Other

July 2nd - July 12th 2022 (TBC)

Be inspired by past, equipped for the present and prepared for the future.

Would you like to stand in the past, present and future in one moment of time? Come to Israel with L'dor Va'dor and  Generation 2 generation to experience for yourself the wonder of Jerusalem, the city of HIStory and the place He will come as King of kings. There is no substitute for standing on the Mount of Olives where He wept and at the same time look over the Golden Gate which beckons His return.

This nation really is "A Nation Like No Other"! Join us - we would love to have you apart of this incredible experience!

Testimonies From Past Trips:
"My understanding of Israel's prophetic significance was taken to a whole other level." - Young Adult

"The trip was unbelievable. I never felt so close to God." - Young Adult

"Every Pastor needs to experience this trip, L'dor Va'dor and Generation 2 generation know how to host, make you feel like family and their desire for you to have a spiritual encounter is most evident." - Pastor K.

Want To Know More?
More Information Coming Soon.