Danny 2

Glimpse Into Our Tours

Israel A Nation Like No Other!

It is impossible to explain, or reduce to pictures, 10 days of falling more in love with Jesus, changed lives, laughter, deep conversations, friendships formed, lives transformed, new vision, deeper understanding of Scripture, walking in prophecy fulfilled and looking into the prophetic future, checking out media spin and finding facts, tasting new food, praying as you stand at the borders, shopping and drinking coffee at the best coffee shop in the land!

A picture speaks a thousand words - so here they are:

Man Western Wall

At the Western Wall you'll experience, Jews and Christians, praying together at this ancient site.

Woman Western Wall

While at the Western Wall you'll see many Jews (and Christians) seeking God and praying for the Messiahs return.


At the Shoreshem shop you will meet with Rabbi Moshe, an Orthodox Rabbi, hear him explain Scripture from his perspective and ask questions.


At the XXXXX market you will experience the diverstiy of the nation,  which on a global scale is criticised for being XXXXXX.

Micky Group

A wonderful Israeli Messianic tour guide will give insight you have never heard before.

Dead Sea

There will be plenty of fun at sites such as Massada, En Gedi and the Dead Sea.

Andrew Camel

The chance of a camel ride is not to be missed.

Scott Volk

We will attend King of Kings congregation to worship in Jersualem and hear from key leaders in the land.